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Devon Lawson

for Lane Community College
Board of Ed. Zone 3
Rooted In Community.
Renewing Our Future.



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Why Devon?

Devon has:

- Been appointed Committee Member on the Lane Community College Bond Oversight Committee, ensuring transparent, accountable use of taxpayer funds for educational improvements.

Testified on 200+ bills on the Oregon House and Senate Education Committees.

Worked on 30+ political campaigns since 5th grade, including serving as Deputy Campaign Manager for two State Representative campaigns. He's dedicated to civic engagement and leadership.

- Been elected to four different student government positions in high school, including being re-elected once to an ASB Government office, demonstrating consistent leadership and trust.


© 2025 by  Education Forward Committee for Devon Lawson (PAC ID COMING SOON)

This website was developed with the assistance of AI technology to ensure accuracy and efficiency. However, all content and messages on this site fully reflect Devon Lawson's values, vision, and commitment. We strive to provide genuine and heartfelt information about Devon’s campaign and goals. Thank you for your support and understanding.

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